After the battery of cell phone jammer is fully charged.
At this point, the media interested in environmental studies, people feel, perceive, experience, reflection, awareness, understanding and reproducibility of the way of the world around them, and
how by the shape of the symbolic nature and perception of the nature of the media's inherent. Where the default is to produce different forms of media in different ways, different ways of how
perception, understanding, thinking, understanding and characterization of external and world. "The rise of mobile media, the direct consequences of the audience is in the ecological environment
status to spread the habits are undergoing dramatic changes (a) the identity of the digestion of audience identity and confirmation of the identity of" third party "audience. The first fuzzy
occurrence of the era of online media. There is no need for the customer to connect cell phone jammer to the power supply.cell phone jammer can not totally express all performance and function
The network mode of transmission breakthroughs in the past many, the point opposite the one-way means of communication, the formation of a "two-way, to the center of the mode of transmission.
Network Communication audience is uncertain, and because of the convenience of the network to interact with the audience and pass by in a certain space-time field to achieve system conversion. To
the mobile media age, phone carry the holder of the media and the media itself in the physical sense of the "combined", the mobile phone close to establish the status, so that the mobile phone
transponder information or concerns microblogging as the identity of the pass and intimate. The significance level of transmission, the phone holder's identity is completely subvert the original
audience and mass of the binary opposition.
Mobile media and other forms of media combined with the original media environment, the erosion of 3G technology allows mobile phones to become a true sense of the whole media. Integration of
mobile phones, newspapers, radio, television, Internet and other media, and gives rise to the mobile newspaper, mobile TV, mobile phone blog and other new media forms. This change is a more
significant impact on the press, television, radio, network, and the original media environment.